Webinar on including people for a more ethical design process

  • Speaker: Dr. Alicia Julia Wilson Takaoka 
  • Time: 12:30-13:00, 16.05.2024 

Dr. Alicia Julia Wilson Takaoka from IDI will present research on Design, Creation, and Participation: how to include people for a more ethical design process.

Abstract: With the rise of AI, algorithms, and autonomous systems embedded in our daily lives, researchers as well as the general public are questioning the process. It is evident that biases are embedded into systems that are intended to help people, but no input in the design, creation, or development process is gathered from those respective communities. In this presentation, the definitions of design, creation, and testing will be presented. Strategies to identify and solicit participation from people usually omitted from the decision-making process will be identified, and a sample case will be shared.

Dr. Takaoka is a postdoctoral fellow at the Computer Science Department at NTNU working with Prof. Letizia Jaccheri within the Software for a Better Society Research Group on the intersections of gender, mental health, and computing.

This talk is a part of our webinar series in collaboration with NAV and Helse Midt-Norge.