Webinar: Design Global, Manufacture Local (DGML)

Dr. Mohsen Anvaari will give a talk about his latest research in governance models for digitalization of the municipal sector in Norway. Mohsen holds a PhD in empirical IT from NTNU and has served as an enterprise architect in various public and municipal organizations in Norway since 2015.

  • Time: Thursday 28. November 2024, 12.30 CET.
  • Location: Online.
  • How to attend: Please contact Tangni or Babak.
  • Language: English.
  • Intended for: Both practitioners and academics.
  • Credits: This event is organized in cooperation with our NTNU-NAV-HMN collaboration program.

Title: Design Global, Manufacture Local (DGML): A Governance Model for Democratic Digitalization – The Case of Norwegian Municipalities

Abstract: Since the emergence of digitalization, there has always been a tension between centralization, standardization, and coordination on the one hand, and decentralization, differentiation, and autonomy on the other. This tension has been thoroughly addressed in theory and partially resolved in practice over the last decade within individual organizations through governance models such as Bimodal IT. However, when it comes to network governance or large-scale ecosystem digitalization, it remains significantly underexplored.

In this presentation, Mohsen Anvaari will briefly introduce a governance model called Design Global, Manufacture Local (DGML) and discuss its application in the digitalization of the municipal sector in Norway. Mohsen holds a PhD in empirical IT from NTNU and has served as an enterprise architect in various public and municipal organizations in Norway since 2015.


Photo by Burst, Pexels.com.