Did you just finish your master’s thesis with us? We have an alumni mailing list that you can subscribe to and keep in touch with DigiPub and other master students from our group.

You can subscribe to the list by following this link.

We started this mailing list in the spring of 2024 and have not yet decided how it will be used. However, here are some of the ideas we have:

  • We might want to publish some results from your master thesis. We will use the list to announce it.
  • We will be happy to cooperate with you in supervision new master students. We will ask you about master project topics that might be relevant for your new employer.
  • Sometimes we need external examiners, paid by NTNU to grade exams or master theses. We might use the mailing list to announce such jobs.

The mailing list is also open for you to get in touch with other master and PhD students from our group. So, go ahead and subscribe.