Here is a list of master’s theses where our group members have been acting as supervisors. These are often research studies connected to our ongoing projects. All are downloadable via their links. Last year’s theses are undergoing evaluation and therefore don’t have a download link yet.

Øien, S. S. (2020). Defining Back Stage Activities in Large-Scale Participatory Design - A Case Study of Implementing a Healthcare Platform [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Jakovic, D., & Chandrasegaram, G. (2021). Chatbot as a Channel in Government Service Delivery [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Larssen, I. A., & Brække, H. L. (2021). Digital Nudging in the Public Sector in Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Øines, S. (2021). Automated Government Decision Making and Citizen Rights - A review of literature and current practice in Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Ringdal, N. O. (2021). Participatory Customization of Platforms in the Public Sector [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Lund, H. (2022). Platform ecosystems in the public sector - A systematic literature review [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Svesengen, V. (2022). Co-creating with employees in the public sector - A case study from Norwegian Labor and Welfare administration [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Heggelund, M. O. (2023). Information sharing across instances- A case study of implementing an EHR in an emergency room [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Nilsen, E. E. (2023). Practices and Challenges in Assuring Software of Quality in the Norwegian Public Sector [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Sæther, R. (2023). Toward Worker-Centered Digital Labor Platforms: Guidelines for Reducing Information Asymmetries [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Lindaas, J. D. (2023). Modern ICT Management in Trondheim Municipality [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Sandnes, M. (2023). Personal data processing and social mission of actors within the public administration [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Berg, K. H. (2020). Technology Features to Promote Student Empowerment: A Qualitative Approach [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Mora, S. (2009). A mobile extensible architecture for implementing ubiquitous discovery gestures based on object tagging [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Kristiansen, Y. (2010). Dynamic Management of Software Components in a Ubiquitous Collaborative Environment [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Siddiqui, W. H. (2010). Managing spaces in context-aware ubiquitous systems [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Lund, A. (2013). UbiFall: a study of fall detection services and use of social media [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Stølen, K. (2013). Using Infrastructure-less Wireless Networks to Synchronize Data among Mobile Devices: Extending UbiShare [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Wang, W. (2013). Supporting Fall Prevention for the Elderly by Using Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Ekeland, J., & Engen, V. (2014). A Middleware for Managing and Sharing Geographical Place Definitions Across Social Networking Services [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Gulbrandsen, H., & Franang, T. A. (2015). CoSSMunity: Applying Gamification to create Informed Energy Users within a Smart Grid Community. [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Rogstad, O. F. M., Thevarajah, N., & Hamborg, T. B. S. (2015). ICT-Based Exercise Concepts for Seniors to Support Fall Prevention - What Do Seniors Really Want? [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Stastny, S. (2015). UbiBazaar: App Store for the Internet of Things [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Tordly, R. (2015). How to Persuade Youths to Adopt a Healthy Behavior for a Period - A Design Guide [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Astrup, P., Jansen, E. G., & Aksic, N. (2016). Usability of Commercial mHealth Toolkits From a Developer Perspective - An Empirical Evaluation of Google Fit, Apple HealthKit and Samsung Digital Health [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Næss, A., & Stadheim, E. (2016). A Study of The Use of Socialization, Prompting and Empowering Elements in Mobile ICT to Promote Behavior Change in Physical Activity [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Vassli, L. T. (2016). A Study of ICT Acceptance Among Seniors with Fall Risk Assessment Technologies as a Case [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Filberg, J. M. (2017). Understanding Awareness Support in Home Care Technology [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Hansen, O. G. (2017). What gamification design do users want in a self-management application for chronic diseases? - The case of Cystic Fibrosis [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Mørk, H. M. N., & Løchsen, J. (2018). Self-Documentation Software as a means to increase Self-Efficacy at Schools: Design Concepts based on Co-Design with Students [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Tørnquist, H. M. (2018). Differences in Governance Mechanisms between On-Demand Economy Platforms and Sharing Economy Platforms - A Multiple-Case Study [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Kjensmo, K. (2019). Implementing a digital toolkit for organizational transformation in a growing enterprise [Master, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Eikeland, A. F. (2020). Information System Management in the Norwegian public sector: A case study on Innovative Public Procurement [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Friestad, A. F., & Opheim, H. V. (2020). Trust Building on Digital Labour Platforms: the Workers' Perspective [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Rossow, C. (2020). How do digital labour platforms fit into the Nordic model? [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].
Sletta, V. (2021). Digital image-sharing platforms and their impact on the work of photographers: A case study on Instagram platform work [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology].