DigiPub@IDI (DigiPub is short for Digital Publics) is a group of researchers interested in digitalization and its impact on the public sphere. We do engaged research in areas such as healthcare, social services, and education. We publish our research in conferences and journals in areas such as computer-supported cooperative work, information systems, and human-computer interaction. Contact: Babak Farshchian.

DigiPub@IDI was “unofficially” founded on 2. April 2020, a date so once a year we can celebrate and eat cakes! However, by then Babak had already been working at IDI as adjunct associate professor for more than 10 years, and as a full time associate professor since September 2018.

November 15, 2022Michaela starts in our group.Michaela joins the group as part of our SustainDiT project.
June 9, 2022Morteza arrives in Trondheim.After several months we can finally welcome Morteza to our group as a PhD candidate.
April 12, 2022Sajid arrives in Trondheim.After more than a year of waiting, we are proud to have Syed Sajid Hussain Shah as a post doc in our group.
August 30, 2021Nora starts her PhD.Fresh from master studies, Nora takes the jump into Helseplattformen.
June 10, 2020Hamid arrives in NorwayAfter several months and with pandemic lock-downs everywhere, Hamid arrives in Trondheim.
April 10, 2020Hamid starts his PhD. Still in Pakistan, Hamid started working around 10. April.
April 2, 2020Digital Publics gets established!Our unofficial first day at work is April 2, 2020 (we deliberately avoided April 1). It is good to have a date so we can celebrate and eat cakes!