Our Digital Publics group had a range of contributions to the ECSCW 2024 conference that was held in Rimini, Italy, during June 21-27 this summer. Here you can find an overview of these contributions.
Nima and Joakim delivered their master’s thesis
During the last week our master students, Nima Hakimi and Joakim Danielsen Petersen delivered their master’s thesis. Both have written about web accessibility, Joakim through a systematic literature review of empirical evidence and Nima through a case study at NAV.
Webinar on including people for a more ethical design process
Dr. Alicia Julia Wilson Takaoka from IDI will present research on Design, Creation, and Participation: how to include people for a more ethical design process.
Webinar on Digital Public Encounters
PhD candidate Michaela Schmidt from our SustainDiT project will talk about digital public encounters, highlighting important aspects of users meeting with public services on digital channels. This talk is for both academics and practitioners.
Seminar on access to case
On the last leap year day of February we organized a seminar with PhD candidates about access to case. We wanted to share some of the experiences that each of us had in meeting with practitioners in our field studies, and how we overcome barriers.
Invited talk: Emotions as drivers of conversational AI use in organisations
We are happy to host Amany Elbanna from Royal Holloway University of London for this exciting talk. Amany’s talk is highly relevant for all of us who work on the role of AI in organizations. This talk and the following discussion will be in English.
SustainDiT meeting with advisory group
Last week we had the pleasure of getting together in the SustainDiT project group together with our advisory group.
Invited talk: The Politics of Data Activism in Digital ID
Silvia Masiero from the department of informatics at the university of Oslo is visiting us on January 10 for an invited talk, seminar and discussions. She will talk about her ongoing research around digital identities, their fairness, and their impact on sociotechnical practices.
Technology for Knowledge work: A relational perspective
Rasmus Ulfsnes will talk about this topic on Thursday December 14. This is an online-only talk.
Seminar on creativity and infrastructures
We co-organized a full-day seminar on how infrastructures and creativity affect each other. The seminar was in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna and our Digital Publics group at IDI, NTNU. Michaela, Nora, Babak, and Monica from IDI held short presentations.