Our project SustainDiT will have its yearly seminar on January 11. During this day we will present our latest results to our reference group, and discuss further directions for the project.
Software’s Social Impact: Embarking on the Walkthrough to Social Sustainability in Organizations
Join us for an online seminar to be help by Ana Carolina Moises De Souza about the above topic as part of our NTNU-NAV-HMN collaboration program. More information about time and place below.
The Impact of Digital Transformation on Social Sustainability
Join us in an excited online seminar held by Ilaria Crivellari and Charlotte Husom Grøder as part of our NTNU-NAV-HMN collaboration program. Information about how to join below.
ECSCW was organized in Trondheim
Our group was heavily involved in organizing the flagship conference of the European CSCW community in Trondheim in June. The conference attracted more than 100 participants from all around the world, and showcased several workshops, paper presentations, panels etc.
Seminar on sustainable digital health and social care services- How did it go?
Is digital transformation the solution to our societal sustainability challenges, as many IT people claim? Or is it rather a race to the bottom through the erosion of trust in our societies? This is what our seminar on sustainable digital transformation last Tuesday was about. And do you want to know the answer we came up with? Well, the answer is that it all depends. Read further to get an insight into what we discussed.