A list of projects our group is or has been involved in.

SustainDiT (2022-2026)SustainDiT (Sustainable Digital Transformation) is about how digital technologies affect social sustainability. Michaela’s PhD is funded by SustainDiT.NTNU Bærekraft.
PlatVel (2019-2026)PlatVel does research on a large implementation project called Helseplattformen in the region of Central Norway. Hamid and Nora do their PhD-projects as part of PlatVel (Hamid’s PhD is funded by PlatVel). Sajid’s Postdoc is also funded by PlatVel.NTNU Health.
Forsknings-samarbeid med NAV og NTNU (2018-2025)This is not a research project but a collaboration and community building initiative involving NAV, Helse-Midt and NTNU. Babak is the coordinator for the part on digital transformation. Tangni’s Postdoc is partly funded by this initiative.NAV-HMN-samarbeidet.
SPARK (2022-2025)SPARK (Stalwart Public Agile Renaissance for Knowledge age) is about creating knowledge about how public sector can achieve agile transformation in a sustainable way to create public value.IDI.
UniPubTrue (2024-2028)UniPubTrue’s (Universities + Public sector = True) objective is to create a better understanding of collaboration between universities and public sector. The project is based on our experience in several collaborative projects and our involvement in various collaboration programs.IDI.
The objective of PlatWork is to investigate the impact of platformization and platform work on organizational work practices.IDI. NTNU Bærekraft.