
ECSCW workshop on digital public encounters

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We organized a workshop on the topic of digital public encounters as part of the pre-conference workshop program of the ECSCW in Trondheim. The conference attracted participants from Norway and abroad. Several cases were presented by the participants, and a brainstorming session concluded the workshop.


ECSCW was organized in Trondheim

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Our group was heavily involved in organizing the flagship conference of the European CSCW community in Trondheim in June. The conference attracted more than 100 participants from all around the world, and showcased several workshops, paper presentations, panels etc.


EHiN 2022 session about Helseplattformen

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This week we participated in the EHiN 2022 session about research in Helseplattformen. Here is a link to the session’s home page. The presentation, titled “Brukerdeltakelse i store digitaliseringsprosjekter: Hva kan vi lære av Helseplattformen?” is based on Hamid’s PhD studies of subject matter experts in the project.


Seminar on sustainable digital health and social care services- How did it go?

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Is digital transformation the solution to our societal sustainability challenges, as many IT people claim? Or is it rather a race to the bottom through the erosion of trust in our societies? This is what our seminar on sustainable digital transformation last Tuesday was about. And do you want to know the answer we came up with? Well, the answer is that it all depends. Read further to get an insight into what we discussed.


Kickoff for Ph.D. program in sustainability

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On Wednesday I participated to a kickoff meeting for our new Ph.D. program organized by NTNU Sustainability program. The program hires approximately 45 Ph.D. students in nine multidisciplinary projects. During the next 4-5 years these projects will investigate sustainability from various perspectives. Our new project on Sustainable Digital Transformations led […]


EUSSET Colloquium on platforms in public sector

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On Wednesday Sajid led a discussion on using platforms in public sector as part of EUSSET’s online colloquium series. He discussed his ongoing literature study where he is looking into how platforms and their governance models are related to public value creation. The discussion was followed by a discussion led […]


Presentation: Does Frida have warm hands?

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On Tuesday I participated to yearly Health and Labor seminar organized by Central Norway Health Authorities (full program can be downloaded here). I presented our preliminary results from an evaluation of NAV’s Frida chatbot as part of our research project with UiO, UiA and NAV call center. You can download […]