
Kickoff for Ph.D. program in sustainability

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On Wednesday I participated to a kickoff meeting for our new Ph.D. program organized by NTNU Sustainability program. The program hires approximately 45 Ph.D. students in nine multidisciplinary projects. During the next 4-5 years these projects will investigate sustainability from various perspectives. Our new project on Sustainable Digital Transformations led […]


EUSSET Colloquium on platforms in public sector

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On Wednesday Sajid led a discussion on using platforms in public sector as part of EUSSET’s online colloquium series. He discussed his ongoing literature study where he is looking into how platforms and their governance models are related to public value creation. The discussion was followed by a discussion led […]


Presentation: Does Frida have warm hands?

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On Tuesday I participated to yearly Health and Labor seminar organized by Central Norway Health Authorities (full program can be downloaded here). I presented our preliminary results from an evaluation of NAV’s Frida chatbot as part of our research project with UiO, UiA and NAV call center. You can download […]