
CNoW 2023 workshop on changing nature of work

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On December 9 I participated in the CNoW workshop “Changing nature of work- Reshaping human endeavors with digital technologies.” The workshop was part of ICIS 2023 in Hyderabad. It was an online workshop attended by approximately 25 people. I presented a position paper in a program consisting of ten paper presentations.


EHiN 2022 session about Helseplattformen

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This week we participated in the EHiN 2022 session about research in Helseplattformen. Here is a link to the session’s home page. The presentation, titled “Brukerdeltakelse i store digitaliseringsprosjekter: Hva kan vi lære av Helseplattformen?” is based on Hamid’s PhD studies of subject matter experts in the project.