Each month we organize one or more webinars where the topic is digital transformation. The webinars are short online presentations of various case studies that our PhD or master students are involved in.

These webinars are organized in cooperation with our collaborative projects NTNU-NAV-HMN, SustainDiT, and PlatVel. Below your will find a list of past events. Current events are announced in our events calendar (see the menu above).

We always look for presenters who work on empirical studies in Norwegian public or private organizations, or who do research on digital transformation in other forms. If you are interested, please contact Tangni or Babak to book a slot.

These webinars should be relevant for both PhD and faculty at IDI who are interested in information systems and digital transformation, but also practitioners who are interesting in getting quick and easy update on current projects at IDI.

Past events in this series