Webinar on Digital Public Encounters

PhD candidate Michaela Schmidt from our SustainDiT project will talk about digital public encounters, highlighting important aspects of users meeting with public services on digital channels. This talk is for both academics and practitioners.

  • Time: 21st of March, 12:30-13:00
  • Location: Online.
  • Participation: Please contact Tangni for access information.
  • Language: The talk will be in English with Q&A also in Norwegian.

Welcome to a new webinar in our Sustainable Digital Transformation series in connection with NTNU’s collaboration with the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) and Helse Midt-Norge.

Michaela is a 2nd year PhD student at the department for computer science at NTNU. Her research interests concern the digital public encounter and how digital services affect service innovation.

Technologies are implemented to support, mediate, or replace traditional face-to-face interaction. Service innovation is closely linked to public encounters, as frontline employees (e.g., case workers) and citizens hold important knowledge for service innovation as they directly interact with citizens. This raises questions regarding the role that technology and digital service provision play in the service innovation process.