ECSCW was organized in Trondheim

Our group was heavily involved in organizing the flagship conference of the European CSCW community in Trondheim in June. The conference attracted more than 100 participants from all around the world, and showcased several workshops, paper presentations, panels etc.

All of us in Digital Publics were involved in organizing this (almost) once-in-a-lifetime event. The organization was done as a collaborative effort, with each of us responsible for a specific task/role. Sajid was co-chair for the notes track, Hamid was co-chair for workshops, Nora was co-chair for publicity and online presence, Morteza was co-chair for sponsorship and was also central in the local organization, Tangni was responsible for social events and local organization, Michaela and Babak organized a workshop, while Babak also acted as co-chair for the conference. In addition, we presented three exploratory papers during the conference (see the download menu and publications).

The conference web site is here and proceedings from the conference can be accessed through EUSSET DL. We also have web page for the workshop on digital public encounter.

Thanks again for the team effort!

PS: Read also the blog about the conference on EUSSET web page.