Seminar on creativity and infrastructures

We co-organized a full-day seminar on how infrastructures and creativity affect each other. The seminar was in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna and our Digital Publics group at IDI, NTNU. Michaela, Nora, Babak, and Monica from IDI...

Have you been digitalize? Feature article in

We published a feature article in our local newspaper Adressavisen based on Hamid’s PhD research. You can find the Norwegian text by clicking on the flag above. The article is about the challenges that employees in organizations face when...
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EHiN 2022 session about Helseplattformen

This week we participated in the EHiN 2022 session about research in Helseplattformen. Here is a link to the session’s home page. The presentation, titled “Brukerdeltakelse i store digitaliseringsprosjekter: Hva kan vi lære av Helseplattformen?” is based on Hamid’s...
Woman watching webinar on laptop

Participatory platformization

Recently we organized a seminar to present and discuss some preliminary results from our project PlatVel. In this post you can find out more about this seminar and download the presentations....
Woman watching webinar on laptop

Webinar: Platformization of municipal healthcare services

The purpose of the PlatVel (Platforms for healthcare and welfare services in municipalities) seminar is to gather the key stakeholders around the PlatVel project and the research community to showcase our findings and gather feedback....